[EN] [TUTORIAL] - Path Editor

  • Info

    The Path Editor is used to subsequently edit a path or a route. How to create a path can be found here. How to create additional routes can be found here.

    Please make sure you have disabled all additional Addons except GDR.


    • Path Editor
      # Where can I find the Path Editor?
      # Profiles
      # Options and Overview
      # Edit Waypoints
    • More
      # Map Mode / Editor Mode

    Path Editor

    Where can i find the Path Editor?

    Open your world map (default: "M" key) and click on Path Editor or on the Grinder icon in the upper right corner. If you don't see the icon or button in Retail, set your world map to full screen. Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Anhang zu sehen.


    Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Anhang zu sehen. Your currently selected path will be loaded automatically. Select a path of your choice via the selection field. All paths are categorized by profiles. The profile of the loaded path is highlighted in green in the selection field.

    Options and Overview

    Check Show Path only to hide all other symbols except those of the path itself. Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Anhang zu sehen.

    If you move your mouse over a coordinate, the selected waypoint will be magnified. Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Anhang zu sehen.

    Edit Waypoints

    Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Anhang zu sehen. Add Waypoint
    Click on the map to add a waypoint.

    Delete Waypoint
    Click on the red X in the Path Editor to delete a waypoint.

    Swap Waypoints
    In the Path Editor, click on a waypoint that you want to swap. Now select another waypoint to swap.


    Map Mode / Editor Mode

    Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Anhang zu sehen. To enter the Map Mode, right-click on the World Map. Go with the mouse over the Path Editor to return to the Editor Mode.
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